The National African American Read-In is an annual event sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English. Additional information can be found by visiting their site.
Jen has created a list of the Top 10 Reasons to Participate
Top Ten Reasons to Participate In (or Attend!)
2011 African-American Read-In
fear of public speaking.
9. Learn more about America’s history and culture.
It’s the right thing to do.
8. Maybe your picture will appear in Towards Excellence.
7. Seriously…what else are you doing on Friday at noon?
6. You’re paying a lot of money for your college
education…enjoy the perks.
5. It’s going to be fun.
4. Gain a cultural edge…to impress potential dates at cocktail parties.
3. All the cool kids will be there.
2. Eat free cookies.
1. Over a million participants can’t be wrong.
Make your voice heard and be counted!