Sunday, March 28, 2010

Listen, this is important

You cannot simply take information and use it any way you wish. Most times, there are restrictions and contracts with rules of use and limitations.

Our downloadable audiobooks provides information on rights listing what the user can and cannot do with this material.

Our library, along with many other Maine libraries, purchases a subscription to the Maine InfoNet downloadable audiobooks through Overdrive. You can learn more about our free audiobooks here.

When the library subscribes to content, whether print, audio, or digital, we agree to certain use restrictions. If you are ever in doubt and have any questions about whether or not you are using information in a legal and ethical manner, just contact us.

As one example, you'll see the following information below each audiobook when you get ready to download:

OverDrive WMA Audiobook
Burn to CD: Permitted
Transfer to device: Permitted
Transfer to Apple® device: Permitted
Public performance: Not permitted
File-sharing: Not permitted
Peer-to-peer usage: Not permitted
All copies of this title, including those transferred to portable devices and other media, must be deleted/destroyed at the end of the lending period.

This is not merely a suggestion. It is a requirement and we have agreed to it. As users of our library, you must comply in order to use these resources legally and ethically.

Remember, it isn't just audio downloads. Copyright and other restrictions set by vendors, publishers, and copyright holders apply to journals, books, online art, and pretty much anything that was not created by you. When in doubt, ask. There are always exceptions (e.g., most government sites let you use their content copyright free, Creative Commons license & material, and anything where the owner has posted their permission for it to be used).

If you really need to use information a certain way, you can contact the copyright holder to request permission. Not sure how? Contact us.

Stated very simply, if it is not yours, don't take it without first investigating the right way to use the content.

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