Thursday, February 3, 2011

Library Research Prize Awarded

The library sponsored the first research prize competition in the Fall 2010 semester.  Students were encouraged to submit their research papers (written for a course in Fall 2010) to be judged for this award.  Many wonderful papers were submitted and several judges were involved in the review process.  Special thanks to all students who submitted their work.  The prize is meant to encourage students to think about information literacy, research skills, and proper citation style.

Pam Dooner, NMCC Student and
Gail Roy, Assistant Dean of Learning Resources

Pam Dooner is the recipient of the Library Research Prize for her paper entitled, “Synesthesia: A colorful condition."

Pam is a first year liberal studies major at NMCC.  Pam selected her topic because she always had an interest in neurological disorders and synesthesia was of particular interest.  She is a student in Jennifer Graham’s English composition course.   Pam received a $100 gift certificate to the college bookstore.

She started her research with a Google search and read a Wikipedia article to obtain an overview of the topic.  She realized that she then needed to include scholarly works and to seriously evaluate her information sources.  She used a variety of library resources to seek out peer-reviewed literature and included books, journal articles, an MP3 lecture series, a movie and online sources in her bibliography.

Congratulations Pam!

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