Thursday, March 25, 2010


Special thanks to the NMCC student who made me aware of a rogue library page with incorrect library hours. We thought we had fixed that page a long time ago. Yet, it still lingered somewhere. Feedback from students like this is so very helpful and we really, really, appreciate it.

IT jumped in and saved the day. The page should be permanently gone and the correct info is available on the library page link under hours.

Need to learn more about the library? Visit our page.

Speaking of hours, the library will be open the last three Saturdays of the semester from 12-4.

The library and media center will be open on April 24th, May 1st, and May 8th from 12-4.

As you know, we needed to cut weekend hours in response to a critical budget reduction last year. We are reviewing the need for weekend hours and hope to restore them in the future. Everything does hinge on the budget and the economic outlook for higher education in our state. We know this has been frustrating at times for students and we appreciate your patience and understanding. These are trying financial times in our world economy and we all need to make difficult choices.

Even when the library is closed, you have access to many online resources from our library web page.

Check out our IM reference, downloadable audiobooks, Facebook, Twitter, and library blog.

We also have databases, Noodlebib, and an online catalog where you can search our materials and make your own inter-library loan requests. If you accessing databases and Noodlbib from home, you will need user name/passwords or the barcode from your student ID. If you need help or information, contact us.

We appreciate feedback, comments, and corrections. Anytime you notice a problem with the library pages, please feel free to let us know. If you want to talk about any library issue, we welcome your input. It's your library. You should feel really comfortable here and it's our job to make sure you do.

If you have any issue, please stop by my office or email or call (Gail Roy, Assistant Dean of Learning Resources). If you prefer, use IM or try out our new text reference service. While we are sometimes limited by the size of our budget and staff, we try to offer new services and materials to meet student needs. Every now and then we even manage to exceed needs and that is always the true goal.

Hope everyone has a wonderful break!

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